PlayStation Vita release date, price, specs and more
t's here! And by "here!" we mean "nearly here!" After much rumour and speculation, Sony has announced that the new PSP - formerly codenamed NGP for Next Generation Portable - will be called the PS Vita.
So what are the Vita specs, when will the UK release date be and how much will it cost?
PS Vita UK price will be £235
This one's a rumour, but it's a credible one: given that the Wi-Fi only version of the new PlayStation Vita will be $249 in the US and €249 in Europe, an unnamed source told CVG that the UK price will be "in the region of £235".
PS Vita UK release date will be before Christmas
Nobody expected Sony to miss the all-important Christmas shopping period, and it won't: the Vita UK release date will give you plenty of time to ask Santa for one. Rumours suggest the UK release date may be 11 November 2011.
PlayStation Vita will come in two versions
In addition to the Wi-Fi only version, which does 802.11b, g and n, the PS Vita will also be available with integrated 3G. This will cost slightly more money.
The PS Vita specifications are pretty tasty
The PSP's replacement has a five-inch, 16 million colour 960x544 OLED touchscreen, twin cameras, twin speakers, two turntables and a microphone. We're lying about the turntables.
You also get twin analogue sticks and a ridiculously powerful quad-core processor based on the ARM Cortex A9, the same kind of processor you'll find in many top-end tablets. Expect four to five hours battery life.

The PlayStation Vita specs include a touch-sensitive back
The Vita has a touch-sensitive back so you can control the on-screen action without hiding it behind your fingers. The screen's multi-touch too. The combination of a touchy front and back is fascinating - Sony talks about it enabling "touch, grab, trace, push and pull hand movements."
The PS Vita specs include POWERVR graphics
The Vita doesn't just have that nifty quad-core processor: it's got a quad-core PowerVR graphics processor too. We can summarise its spec in one word: mighty.
The PlayStation Vita specifications include GPS
Sony promises that the Vita's built-in GPS will mean some interesting location-aware games via the PlayStation Network, and an application called Near will let you know if your friends are, you've guessed it, near you.
The Vita also includes a three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer and three-axis electronic compass for handheld-waggling motion-controlled tomfoolery.
The PlayStation Vita does things with rabbit ears
From the Sony press release: 'by having both Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity, together with various applications, PS Vita will enable infinite possibilities for users to "encounter," "connect," "discover," "share" and "play" with friends wherever they are.' That "sounds" quite "good", doesn't "it"?
PS Vita games
New titles scheduled to be released from SCE Worldwide Studios include Gravity Daze, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Little Deviants, Hot Shots Golf, Reality Fighter, Hustle Kings, ModNation Racers, Wipeout 2048 and Super Stardust Delta.
Other PlayStation Vita games, such as Capcom's Street Fighter X Tekken, will be available from third party game developers and publishers.
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