Logo design software with built-in templates and objects to make illustration simpleThe problem for many applications that claim to make something easy is that some things are just hard no matter how much you dress up the task. LogoDesign Studio Pro is one such application. The name gives away its primary function.
With the advent of Web 2.0 it seems that a funky and modern company logo is almost as important as the product itself. LogoDesign Studio Pro is supposed to take the trouble out for this for you.
This vector-based design tool is quite advanced with layer support and more than 100 filters and effects. It's suitable for print and web too.
The canvas and working toolbar is easy to pick up, but the drawing tools window does look a bit basic. Even the least savvy user will get to grips with it. There are a number of predesigned templates and elements as well as tag lines. Putting the elements together is simple.
However, LogoDesign Studio Pro won't make you a designer, but it will make putting some items on a page and creating something passable easy, but that's about it. Whether you need something more than that defines whether this application is worth it.
Overall, we were very impressed by the quality of the designs that the program allowed us to produce. For £20 it's hardly going to break the bank either. You'll still need an eye for quality design to make the most of it though