Recent reports on injuries from text messaging while walking, cooking and even horse riding are proving that using a cell phone can be dangerous even when you're not on the road.
The American College of Emergency Physicians Foundation recently issued a warning saying that, according to doctors, a growing number of accidents has arisen from text messaging and multitasking. In extreme examples, two people this year have died while texting and walking on the street, according to an Associated Press report. Most injuries are minor -- scrapes, running into walls, tripping -- although they'll thoroughly rob you of faith in the human race.
Interestingly, a recently adopted hands-free handset law in California prohibits talking on a cell phone while driving, but there's nothing about text messaging. If you're going to use a law to address an issue, why not go the whole nine yards?
ER docs: Don't text and walk, skate — or cook [AP News]
(Photo credit: jacketseason/Flickr )