After the space race Russia is in the diving race, it managed to plant a flag on the North Pole seabed to proclaim its marine domination last year. Lake Baikal, the world's deepest and oldest lake, is home to some of the world's rarest types of fish and other water-life. Formed 25 million years ago it contains 20% of the world's total unfrozen fresh water. It has now descended up to 1,680 meters (5,510 feet, or just over one mile) to the lake's deepest point, setting a world record for freshwater submersion.
The bright-red twin submarines Mir-1 and Mir-2 craft carried three scientists, including a Kremlin-backed Member of Parliament. Officials' hailed the five-hour expedition as a new chapter in Russian science. The expedition is to take seabed samples and document Baikal's unique flora and fauna.