iPhone Forever: Geek Coffins Lively Up Your Death

No sane human seriously relishes the though of their own death. As much as we try to avoid the aging process and keep ourselves safe from life risking activities, the end is inevitable, at least until science finds the Fountain of Youth. But thinking about our own deaths is not nearly as hard to conceive when we think about the sort of festive life we can have after our last days.

Creative Coffins is a company which designs and produces custom coffins. And even on a more serious note, they make sure that us fanboys are well taken care of. How would you like your eternal slumber to take place in an iPhone coffin? Apple not your poison? What about a Vista wallpaper-themed or Halo coffin? Creative Coffins has got you covered.

OK, we’ve gotta be honest with you. These coffins aren’t “officially” listed as “products” from the Creative Coffins crew. But they shouldn’t have a problem whipping up the design for you, as they promise that they can “create almost any design from the dignified and beautiful to the quirky or humorous”.

T3 put together some awesome design renditions of some of the coffins that you fanboys out there might be interested in checking out. Living out your dream of being placed in a SNES-themed coffin might not be that far off the mark. Just remember to add the special request to your will.

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