Atomic Bass Headphones from Radius

According to the Radius site, the Atomic Bass is the “Official Headphone of the Hip-Hop Genre”. That has got to be one of the toughest slogans to prove, and I highly suggest they test its tonal balance on several hip-hop artists before they make that claim.

However, after listening for myself, I definitely hear how good they are. The clear sound might have something to do with its unique shape. You can’t really see the angle in this photo, but it causes the headphone to penetrate the ear deeper. It almost feels like an ear plug the way it can cut off background noise.

The headphones also have another unique look. Normally, when headphones branch out, the sections are equal. The Atomic Bass has a unique U-style of cable, and so one is not equal length, yet each earphone can fit either ear. It can fit normally in the ear, or rotate the earphone pieces back so they rest on the outer ear.

Another terrific feature is the impedance. Normal headphones have about 16Ω, but the Atomic Bass has 32Ω.

The Atomic Bass headphones are made of the same material as the iPod nano, with a gold plated stereo mini-plug. They are available everywhere in a variety of colors for $39.95

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