Microsoft communications manager Brandon LeBlanc has announced the company has performed a U-turn (it is getting good at this after the browser rethink) and will be giving out free copies of Windows 7 Ultimate to Technical Beta testers.

Yay? No, here's the Boo! part: users who tested the public Beta or Release Candidate of Windows 7 are exempt. These free copies are only for those testers who were invited into the Technical Beta programme and would have access to either MSDN or TechNet. Those who do quality will get full editions only and a choice to download the OS or fight over limited boxed stock. Downloads will be available from 6 August and physical copies on the global day of release: 22 October.
So near and yet so far...

Finally, you may come across a curious 'revelation' this week that Microsoft will be rebranding Windows Mobile at 'Windows Phone'. It's hardly news, we revealed this back in mid February but it has forced Microsoft to clarify its murky strategy with both the Windows Mobile and Windows Phone names still being thrown around liberally.
In short: Windows Mobile remains as Windows Mobile, Windows Phone will refer to the Windows Mobile package of mobile services as a whole comprising Windows Phone, Windows Marketplace and My Phone. Yes, it's unnecessarily messy but what else is new?
Windows 7 Official Blog Post
Windows Mobile News via BetaNews
Windows Phone Clarification via BetaNews