Sharp develops Memory-LCD panel technology

AV giant creates ultra-low power graphics display
Sharp Microelectronics has developed a new LCD display technology with integrated memory, which it says can reduce power consumption by a factor of 130, compared to a standard LCD of equal size.

Memory-LCD panels feature an integrated memory chip at the back of each pixel cell. This means that instead of having to refresh the entire screen at a rate of 50- or 60-Hz, only those pixels where data changes are updated, effectively reducing the refresh rate to just 1Hz. This dramatically reduces the power requirement of the screen.

At the heart of the Memory-LCD is Polymer Network Liquid Crystal, a new reflective display technology that provides high contrast and wide viewing angles in high ambient light.

A prototype Memory-LCD panel featuring a small 96 x 96 monochrome display (pictured), measuring 1.35 inches, consumed only 15-microwatt in operation, compared to a conventional LCD which requires approx. 2-milliwatt to display the same image. The technology effectively enables a display to be powered by small solar energy cells.

Memory-LCD will debut in items such as watches and mobile devices early 2010, but its implications are wide-reaching. Products such as e-book readers and even TV displays could benefit from the eco-friendly tech.

Via Home Cinema Choice

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