Childhood problems and cell phone usage could be correlated

Growing pains is something all parents dread. There are too many distractions and pressures that bog down our kids, that it's very easy to lose focus. Many childhood problems like behavioral disorders, addictions and attitudes stem from deep psychological disorder either from the parent's part or the child's. Here is a new avenue that hopes to explain why our kids are not all that "ok". We know that a cell phones emit radio frequency (RF) radiation. Putting cancer and tumor fears aside for the moment, a new study suggests that there is a correlation between RF radiation from mobile phones and childhood behavior. "Children with exposure to cell phones (prenatally, postnatally, or both)," write the authors, "tended to have higher percentages of borderline or abnormal scores for emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and peer problems." Of course the numbers shrink when impenetrable factors, such as maternal smoking or psychiatric issues are included in the study.

With no motive to scare you, I think the best way to deal with this study,
whether conclusive or not, is to set limits in life. It could be that we as
parents are not devoting enough time to our children. Compensating time with
de-regulation of activities could also lead to children getting addicted to
various things like gaming, texting or drugs. I believe that everything should
be done in limits. The authors confirm, "We have no known biologic mechanisms to
explain these associations, and confounding by unmeasured causes of behavioral
problems could have produced these results."

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