Sonic Impact SoundPads are stick-on speakers

If you enjoy toying with certain effects to add to the sound of your music you have stored away on your iPod, you might give these speakers a try. They are SoundPads that stick to any surface, which means the wall, a poster, box, bookshelf, etc. Each item you attach it to will give a slightly different sound. It would also make for an easy solution to put music in places that would otherwise be difficult.

This is being sold through ThinkGeek and they warn that once stuck it’s not going anywhere. Which means you might want to test it out before you go pealing off the sticky backing. Luckily, these are also cheaper than usual too. They were being sold for $24.99 but are now set at $17.99. Which is cheap enough that you’d be able to buy a few for different spots throughout your home. You can never have too many rooms with the option of music.

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