Samsung 8 Series 850 and 860 Slim LCDs joins the crowd

Sammy has announced two new bucks in the Series 8 LCDs, the 850 and 860 models. What's unique about the models is that they sport a waif thin figure. The new bods are just 1.9-inches thick at the middle, and thinner on the ends. The 120Hz TVs tout a "Touch of Color" due to injection molding;rose for the 850 and deep blue for the 860. Specs include a USB 2.0 jack for decoding images and videos (including XviD and MPEG4) stored on hard drives or cameras. The TV hooks onto LAN via Ethernet or go for the optional $35 wireless adapter to access DLNA content plus Samsung's new InfoLink RSS service, with news, stocks and weather info from USA Today, in "adjustable overlays".

Samsung 8 Series 850 and 860 Slim LCDs will range from $2,700 to $3,500.

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