Casio Exilim EX-Z1000

The camera does indeed have ISO modes of 800, 1600, and 3200 if you put it in high sensitivity "Best Shot" mode. To see the current ISO, just hold down the shooting button halfway. I'll just stress that at low ISOs (50 and 100), noise is not a problem. At 200, it starts getting a bit noticable. At 400 and above, it gets pretty bad - but for stuff just going up on the web, this is reasonable. I was able to take some shots at ISO 3200 (sans flash, duh) in very, very low light, and while they were very noisy, the subjects were indeed recognizable even through the water. This feature alone really puts it ahead of many other sub-compacts. However, I think this is an acceptable trade-off. Noise is a fact of life for sub-compacts - grumbling about it too much is like complaining that it doesn't have 12x optical zoom. The form factor just doesn't allow some things right now. Otherwise, there's very little not to love. If you can get those low ISOs, image quality is excellent. Movie making mode is handy for quick clips. Image stabilization works very well. The dock is a welcome feature that more cameras need. The flash is also far-reaching and flexible, which is definitely excellent for when you can use it. I'd definitely recommend this and the Z-850 (its lower resolution cousin) as great cameras with loads of options and lots of flexibility.

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