At last some bright spark has invented a compact, tough and flexible travel camera tripod that actually works. The Gorilla Pod, that comes in both compact and SLR sizes, is an ingenious and versatile tripod that'll support your camera pretty well anywhere.With three super flexible and yet sturdy bendable legs, it will cling to branches, tables, rocks, and create a stable platform on any surface however rough and uneven. The top of the tripod has a super-slim slip plate that you can keep fixed onto the bottom of your camera or video, and then just click into place whenever you need. The flexible joints in the legs can rotate through 360 degrees to form the perfect shape on any terrain.Our photographer has worked all over the world on travel assignments (jammy so and so), and he's blown away by the compactness, strength and versatility of the Gorilla Pod, and reckons it's the best travel tripod he's ever seen. Whether you need the mini one for a small digital camera, or the large version for your SLR or Video, this tripod can take the strain, and knocks the socks off any other travel tripod on the market