Gadgets for the road less travelled

This week, we look at two such devices: Navman's latest in-car navigator, which doubles as a camera; and the latest version of LG's Shine series of upmarket mobile phones, which aim to provide multimedia entertainment on top of their communications features. Navman S90i
HUMANS visualise when they think. Product developers at Navman recognised this when they created this top-of-the-line unit for its latest S-series.
It has a two-megapixel camera that embeds global positioning satellite co-ordinates in an image when it saves it. So next time you want to go to that place, you can look it up in the image library, click on it and the global positioning system will plot a route (as long as no ocean crossings are involved.

Doubters may ask: what is the advantage of having to go to a place to get the image in the first place? It's a fair question for leisure-seekers and it is why Navman's software people redesigned its NavDesk software to work with Flickr and Google Earth. Drag a GPS-encoded picture of your desired destination into the system and tap the navigate-to icon and you're on your way.

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